Milwaukee Brewers Follow-up: Ray Peters

If there’s one thing I can’t stress on this blog enough, it’s how fortunate I feel to have made some connections with ex-ballplayers in the past two years. Not everyone wants to talk, and some say the number of teams and games combined with the passage of time make their memories not so reliable.  I…

That Time I Met Kasim Sulton

If you’re a music fan, most likely you have an artist (or several) that speaks to you through their songs.  For me, one of those special artists is singer/songwriter Kasim Sulton.  Recently, Kasim kicked off a pledge music drive surrounding his first official live CD, “Live Bootleg.”  Like all of his previous efforts, I’m having…

Zany Z’s Mobile Music Memories

So I recently found out that I’ve officially lost the rights to my name. Well, actually it was a business name from my past, that started out as a nickname.  First, let me tell you about how I wound up with the nickname Zany Z and then I’ll get to how it became the name…